
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Trying Not to Panic

The lone surviving photo from my collection.
I am trying not to panic.

Panicking is something that I can do with such exquisite ease that it is almost a shame to try and stop. 

To rephrase Sylvia Plath:


Is an art, like everything else.

I do it exceptionally well.

I do it so it feels like hell.

I do it so it feels real.

I guess you could say I’ve a call.

Three days ago my computer shutdown while I was in the middle of editing photos. It then refused to turn on again. The first snakes of panic began to slither through my stomach, but I exterminated them with the thought of my trusty external hard drive upon which all of my work was safely stored. Sure, I would lose today's edits, but given my short attention span I wasn't even sure I could remember what they were in order to grieve their loss.

Yesterday, new computer up and running I foolishly tried to turn it on. I was lured further down the thorny path to distraction when, full of hubris, I also attempted to connect my printer, tablet, keyboard, and hard drive. When I had not realized, was that the AC adapter for my lovely little Canon Selphy printer was masquerading as the power supply to my hard drive.

The moment I put the power cord into the hard drive I heard a sickening sizzle. I pulled out the cord immediately, but alas it was too late.  My printer uses 24 volts, while my poor, electrocuted hard drive was only set up to survive at 12 volts. I have since become a jungle for the animals of anxiety. I cannot yet enumerate what will have been lost should the geek squad gods be unable to work their special brand of magic.

We shall see.

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